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How to Learn Coding in less than a month

Coding is one of the most useful skills to know in this day and age. Just looking at how much software developers make speaks for itself. Besides getting a job coding is just good to know. However, many individuals have a really hard time getting started. Or they have gotten started but simply can't motivate themselves to move forward. If you are one of those people please read this article completely.

First, we will go through how to get yourself started with programming. Then we will talk about the many different ways to aid you in your progress and keep you motivated.

Getting Started

So of course to get started you must first pick a programming language. This can sometimes be tricky for beginners. Personally, I recommend either Python, Java, or Javascript to start off with. Python offers an easy-to-read syntax and is simply a great language to know. Java is good for learning the fundamentals of computer science. And Javascript is useful for anyone who plans to develop websites and other web applications. No matter the case it doesn't matter too much what language you choose because once you master the fundamentals of the language you will find it quite easy to learn another one.

To get started learning the language that you have chosen, first, look up some YouTube tutorials. They are some of the easiest ways to get started. Later, when you want to enhance your skills past YouTube tutorials, you should try purchasing courses. Udemy and Null are great websites to buy courses. Also keep in mind that Google is your friend. If you have any doubts or questions don't be afraid to google them. The people who know how to use Google are the best programmers.

How to Keep Yourself Motivated

At first, simply following coding tutorials can be dull and boring, and because of this many give up on programming. This is the trap that many individuals get caught in. We will be discussing the five ways on how to overcome this.

1. Having a Purpose

The first way to keep your motivation is to have a purpose. Ask yourself, "What is the purpose of me learning to code?" If you have a strong purpose you're already halfway there. Having a purpose can prevent you from procrastinating and keep you focused. For some, it can be hard to find a purpose, but with searching, it can be found. Some good purposes for learning programming can include wanting to build a revolutionary website or app or getting a job at a big tech company like Google. Or simply just mastering your language. The point is that having a purpose and keeping it in mind can really help you focus.

2. Being Determined

The second way to keep yourself motivated is to have determination. This adds on to having a purpose. Be determined that you can fulfill your ambitions. Never say "I can't" or "this is too hard". Simply eliminating these words from your vocabulary has a great impact on your success in learning to code. You should also try to set goals for yourself. Goals are a great way to help you improve. And stay determined that you can accomplish those goals.

3. Coding Projects

The third way to keep yourself motivated is by simply doing coding projects. No one just wants to follow coding tutorials all day. A great way to not get bored is by creating your own coding projects. Not only can projects help you review your current programming skills, but they can also enhance them. Whether it's a simple guessing game or a complex full-stack website, projects are a great way to keep yourself motivated.

4. Getting Involved in the Community

The fourth way of keeping yourself motivated is to simply participate in the coding community. What does that actually mean? This can include anywhere from contributing to a GitHub repository to participating in a Hackathon. Contributing to public repos on GitHub can not only teach you valuable coding skills but also teach you other vital software development skills. Hackathons and other coding competitions are also great because they allow you to put your coding skills to use. Personally, I participate in the USACO ( U.S.computing Olympiad) where you attempt to solve rigorous coding problems. Either way, simply getting involved in the coding community can make a big difference in your skills.

5. Taking Breaks

The last and final way to help you focus is by simply taking breaks. There is no way you can sit in front of a computer all day long. It will only hinder your progress. Go outside and take a 30-minute jog. Of course, you don't want to be taking a break every 5 minutes. That will only be detrimental to your learning. I recommend taking a break every 2 hours. Breaks are a great way to rest your mind when learning something.


After getting started and keeping yourself motivated the rest is really a piece of cake. As long as you are determined and have a growth mindset you should be able to learn any programming concept you encounter. Hopefully, this article was helpful to you and you know how to get into programming. If you have lacked the motivation to learn to code hopefully you have that now.

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